Machilipatnam:An incident of physical violence surfaced in Andhra Pradesh's Krishna district on Friday night, after a staff member at a government liquor store at Gopuvaipelam in the district refused to lend alcohol to a few customers. The incident occurred after certain customers directed the attendant, identified as Srinivasa Rao, to lend them alcohol.
AP: Liquor store attendant thrashed after refusing to lend alcohol
An incident of physical violence surfaced in Andhra Pradesh's Krishna district on Friday night, after a staff member at a government liquor store at Gopuvaipelam in the district refused to lend alcohol to a few customers.
AP liquor store attendant thrashed in Krishna district after refusing to lend alcohol
Rao denied the request, in turn being faced with an intense physical attack. Indiscriminately thrashed, Rao was subsequently taken to a nearby government hospital for treatment. Police have registered a case against three youth as per the victim's complaint. The victim has demanded that the perpetrators be severely punished.
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