Amaravati: The presiding officers of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature have asked the Chief Secretary to come up with an app that will make asking questions in the House and responding to them easier and tech-savvy. Both the Chairman of the Vidhan Parishad and the Speaker of the Assembly have asked for this digital solution.
Legislative Assembly Speaker Tammineni Sitaram and Council Chairman Koyye Moshenu Raju made the request to create this app. This will help lawmakers to easily submit their questions, resolve their petitions and receive answers. The presiding officers have made the request to the top bureaucrat in the state, K S Jawahar Reddy.
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The app will thereby facilitate online proceedings for MLAs and MLCs. States like Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand have already brought out such an app, they said asking for a similar digital solution for the southern state.
Meanwhile, Sitaram and Raju said that all pending starred, unstarred and short note queries should be answered in a timely manner. In a statement issued on Tuesday night both the presiding officers said that the legislators ask several questions on problems affecting the public. These need to be answered in time, they said. It will help them to explain those in their respective constituencies, they reasoned.