Hyderabad: The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Tuesday directed Chief Secretary (CS) Sameer Sharma to clear the pending bills of contractors who completed the work for various government departments while hearing the petition filed by contractors. The Chief Secretary appeared before the court, as directed by the judge during the previous hearing.
Sameer Sharma tendered an apology for the delay in the payment of bills. He said payment of bills is being done on a priority and clearance of contractors’ bills is placed ninth in the priority list.
Justice B Devanand questioned who would come forward for new work if the government fails to pay the bills of those who had earlier completed the work. He further observed that the Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) seems to be the reason for the problem in the payment of bills. He said the CFMS was brought to overcome the problems in bill processing and now it appears that the technology itself has become a big problem.