Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh): Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy's Principal Secretary Praveen Prakash set an example by declining to draw his salary on the first of every month and asking the official concerned to release it only after all contract and outsourced class 3 and 4 employees are fully paid their salaries.
Three IAS officers joined him on Monday in seeking to carry forward the initiative.
In a letter to the General Administration Department (GAD), he said it looked very odd that Class 1 and 2 officers, who are generally permanent state government employees, get salaries on the first of every month, while contract/outsourced workers, who are from Class 3 and 4 categories, get their salaries only in the second or third week or even later.
Incidentally, Praveen also holds full additional charge as GAD Principal Secretary (Political).
"The basic human needs are very similar and the general level of savings of Class 3 and 4 employees are lesser than that of Class 1 and 2 employees," he said.