Amaravati: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy held a review meeting on the prevailing Covid-19 situation, vaccination and directed the officials to extend the curfew till May end. During the meeting held at the camp office here on Monday, the Chief Minister said curfew should be extended to a minimum of four weeks to contain the situation and it has been only 10 days since the state has imposed curfew.
He said the guidelines will be the same for the extended curfew and the timings of curfew would be from 12 PM to 6 AM. He directed the officials to ensure covid cases do not increase in rural areas and also to utilise the services of Volunteers, Asha Workers and Secretariat staff effectively to contain Covid-19. The Chief Minister said to conduct covid tests on the people identified with symptoms during the Fever Survey and to provide better medical facilities and medicine to the people tested positive.
The CM said to focus on developing infrastructure facilities in Covid Care Centers. The officials informed the Chief Minister that there are chances of Black Fungus infection in diabetic and people who use excessive steroids and added that they have identified nine Black Fungus cases across the state.
The Chief Minister directed the officials to bring Black Fungus under Arogyasri Scheme and prepare a protocol to identify Black Fungus at an early stage. He said to prepare a protocol to provide immediate treatment to people affected with Black Fungus under Arogyasri and to identify some notified hospitals for its treatment.
The Chief Minister directed the officials to prepare an action plan to take measures to help the children who lost their parents due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He asked the officials to think about depositing a certain amount of money in the name of orphans in the banks so that the monthly interest will be used to fulfil basic needs.
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Bed facilities
The officials informed the Chief Minister that there are 47,825 beds in 625 Covid care hospitals across the state, of which 38,492 beds are occupied and 25,539 of them are being treated under Arogyasri. There are 6,576 ICU beds, 23,463 non-ICU oxygen beds, 17,246 non-ICU non-oxygen beds and 3,467 ventilators in Covid hospitals. They said 17,417 of 52,471 beds in 115 Covid care centres were occupied.