Amaravati ( Andhra Pradesh):Police arrested a woman for allegedly blackmailing men and women and extorting money from them. Police said, "The accused woman identified as Parasa Sai Kumari runs a vegetable shop in Patamata Rythu Bazar and a clothing shop on High School Road. She targets young, economically weaker women by befriending them. She then used to invite them and offer alcohol. After the women were intoxicated, she used to record them while changing clothes."
"Sai Kumari threatened the women to post these videos online and forced them into adultery. The women were then used to trap businessmen to extort money from them." Central Division ACP Khader Basha and Patamata CI Kashi Vishwanath disclosed these details speaking to the media on Wednesday night. Police personnel said, "They received a complaint against Parasa Sai Kumari from a victim, who alleged that she laid a trap to lure him and demanded him to pay Rs 2 lakhs. Sai Kumari used one of the victim women as bait to befriend the complainant on social media and lured him to a hotel in Governorpet."