Amaravati:Amid the tussle with the Andhra Pradesh government over local body elections, State Election Commissioner N Ramesh Kumar on Friday announced the schedule of elections of gram panchayats in four phases beginning February 5.
The government has been raising objections regarding local body elections including gram panchayat polls. The government has said that the officials would be engaged in the vaccination programme and the conduct of elections would not be possible.
The SEC will issue the election notification on January 23 for Phase-I, January 27 for Phase-II, January 31 for Phase-III and February 4 for Phase-IV. The last date for nominations is January 27, 31, February 4 and 8 respectively.
Polling will be held on February 5, 9, 13 and 17. Voting will take place from 6.30 am to till 3.30 pm. The counting of votes will also be done over through the four phases.
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