Amaravati: The Andhra Pradesh Assembly on Monday unanimously decided to constitute a House committee on Pegasus row in the wake of recent claim by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee that the previous TDP government had purchased Pegasus spyware. Speaker Tammineni Seetharam made the announcement after the government agreed to the demand by the members of ruling YSR Congress Party (YSRCP). He said the committee will be constituted on Tuesday or Wednesday.
The decision came after short duration discussion on the issue in the absence of opposition Telugu Desam Party (TDP) members who were earlier suspended from the House for disrupting the proceedings to demand debate over deaths due to illicit liquor in Jangareddygudem town.
During the debate, YSRCP members demanded that the House Committee be set up for a thorough probe into the matter in the light of the statement by Mamata Banerjee. They felt there is a need to find as to how the TDP government led by Chandrababu Naidu used it against its political rivals. Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath termed the purchase of Pegasus software as a heinous crime committed by TDP. He said the action of Chandrababu Naidu violated human rights. He claimed that the Pegasus issue had come to light in 2016. He said spyware like software posed a grave danger to personal freedom.
Also read:'Pegasus spyware offered to me at 25 crore, rejected it': Mamata Banerjee