Cherukupalli (Andhra Pradesh):In a shocking incident, a class 10 student died after he was allegedly set on fire by his friend on Friday morning, police officials said. The deceased has been identified as Uppala Amarnath, a resident of Rajolu Panchayat range in the Cherukupalli Mandal of Bapatla district of Andhra Pradesh. He was studying in a local school.
According to police officials, the incident took place at Redlapalem area when Uppala Amarnath was going to attend his tuition class. "While Uppala Amarnath was going to his tuition class, he was stopped by his friend Venkateswara Reddy, who was accompanied by few others persons. They poured petrol on Uppala and set him on fire. Venkateswara Reddy and his associates fled from the spot," Cherukupally Senior Inspector Konda Reddy said.
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