Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh State Election Commissioner (SEC) Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar on Saturday ordered the Director-General of Police (DGP) Gautam Sawang to confine Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister Peddireddi Ramachandra Reddy to his home until the end of panchayat polls, for allegedly threatening officials to not follow his directives.
"Having carefully looked at various alternatives and avenues of remedial action, the commission by invoking its plenary powers under Article 243 K of the Constitution, directs DGP to confine Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development to his residential premises till the completion of elections to the gram panchayats which will conclude by February 21," ordered Kumar.
According to the SEC, Reddy held a press conference on Friday and allegedly threatened officials by saying, "The collectors and returning officers in the state are warned not to obey the instructions of the madcap election commissioner. If they follow the commission's instructions (preventing forced unanimous elections), action will be taken against them and they will be blacklisted."
Kumar alleged that the minister said that the SEC will remain in office only till March 2021 but their government will continue beyond and will take those officers to the task.
However, the exact translation of Reddy statements amount to: Definitely, to all the collectors in the state, whoever has been appointed as a returning officer in the state, I am telling all of them, if you resort to any corrupt practice and unilaterally take action, listening to the election commission, we will not only take action against you but also will be in the blacklist until our government is there.