Guntur: Cyber fraudsters have withdrawn Rs 16 lakh from the bank account of a man from Andhra Pradesh's Guntur district through fraud online links on his phone used by his daughter. Police have registered a case and handed over the case to the Cyber Police. The action came on the complaint by the girl's father whose daughter had run away from home and taken shelter at her friend's house after she realized that she had been cheated of the said money, SP Guntur Arif Hafeez said on Monday.
While divulging the details, the SP said that the victim, an Inter student from Phirangipuram in Guntur district, is pursuing nursing in Hyderabad. The girl told the police that her father gave her his cellphone to attend online classes. She said she spent Rs 80,000 to buy clothes and watches without her father's knowledge using her father's bank account linked through an app.
In a desperate bid to deposit the money back into her father's account, the girl approached her friends who said she could earn quick money by selling her kidney. She searched on the internet with one website offering her Rs.7 crores for the organ. From the contact numbers on the website, she contacted a purported doctor named Praveenraj who offered her Rs 3.50 crore as the first installment and the remaining money after the operation.
Also read:Delhi cops bust gang who cheated people on pretext of jobs