Amaravati: In a shocking incident, the body of a Covid-19 victim was carried on a JCB earth mover to the cremation ground by municipal staff in Andhra Pradesh's Srikakulam district on Friday.
The incident took place in Udayapuram area of Palasa municipality after the 72-year-old died of Covid-19.
The PPE-clad municipal workers placed the dead body covered in a cloth on the front portion of the machine and drove to the cremation ground.
The family of the victim called the incident "an inhumane act" as the necessary protocols for shifting a deceased coronavirus patient were not followed.
Following the incident, District Collector J. Nivas suspended Palasa Municipal Commissioner C. Nagender Kumar and the sanitary inspector N Rajiv. He also ordered a probe into the incident.
The man, himself a former employee in the municipality, died at home following illness. He had undergone Covid-19 test during door-to-door drive by the local authorities. The report of the test also came around the time of his death.