Amaravati:Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Monday launched 'Jaganna YSR Badugu Vikasam', a special industrial policy aimed at promoting Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) entrepreneurs.
"Our new industrial development policy for 2020-23 launched recently is centered on balancing growth across regions and communities. I firmly believe that this new policy is a vital step towards promoting entrepreneurship amongst the marginalised for inclusive growth and development," said Reddy.
The government consulted various sectoral experts and industrial associations to understand the challenges faced by these communities' entrepreneurial journeys to draft the policy.
"The new policy will provide an added focus on strengthening pre-establishment support, improving market linkages, credit facilities, and economic development," said an official.
To encourage increased participation of SC and ST communities in entrepreneurship, government will provide special incentives in 362 manufacturing and 9,754 service sector activities.
"AP government is also ensuring easy availability of land under the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC) guidelines," said the official.