New Delhi: India's shooting ace and winner of the silver medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games, Vijay Kumar, said that 10m air pistol marksman Saurabh Chaudhary may have missed winning a medal on Saturday, but the potential he has will see him emerge stronger in the years to come.
Everyone had high hopes for a medal from him and Chaudhary lived up to that when he topped the qualification round with a score of 586. But he made a quick exit in the finals to finish seventh on a day when three other shooters in action -- pistol ace Abhishek Verma and the women's 10m air rifle duo of Apurvi Chandela and Elavenil Valarivan - failed to impress despite their top billing.
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"Somewhere I feel sad that some of the best players in air pistol and air rifle… It was a great opportunity for Saurabh, given his previous achievements. Everyone had high hopes that he would win a medal. In fact, we all were also expecting a medal from him," said Vijay Kumar, who had won the rapid fire pistol silver in London.
"But, I would say there was no lack of effort on his part… he gave it his all. No one wants to lose deliberately. I think being a youngster, probably. We can only predict from here that he probably took a lot of pressure on himself, and probably (was) not able to handle that pressure," said Vijay, who is a DSP in Himachal Pradesh.