Panipat (Haryana): After the 'golden boy of Indian athletics' won the men’s javelin throw at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, the father of Neeraj Chopra, Satish Kumar said that the event was a proud moment for the country. Speaking on India's first gold medal at the World Athletics Championship in Budapest, the athlete's father Satish Kumar said, "This is a very proud moment for our country as we got a gold medal in the World Championship as well. We will celebrate once Neeraj comes back to India."
Visuals show the athlete's father brimming with pride, as relatives and friends pour in their wishes and congratulatory messages. Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Thakur also took to his social media platform 'X' and congratulated the young athlete saying that the moment will be remembered forever in Indian sporting history.
"Neeraj Chopra does it again! 88.17 Meters. The golden boy of Indian athletics wins the men’s javelin throw at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest. With this, Neeraj Chopra becomes 1st athlete to win a gold medal at the World Athletics Championships. The entire nation is proud of your achievements and this moment will be remembered forever in Indian sporting history," said Anurag Thakur on 'X'.