Tokyo: Toshiro Muto, the chief executive of the Tokyo Games, on Friday said that he can't guarantee the postponed Olympics will be staged next year even with a 16-month delay as the coronavirus spreads in Japan.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe issued an emergency declaration this week to battle the virus, putting the country under restrictions after it seemed it had avoided the spread.
I don't think anyone would be able to say if it is going to be possible to get it under control by next July or not," Tokyo organizing committee CEO Toshiro Muto said, speaking through an interpreter at a news conference conducted remotely.
We're certainly are not in a position to give you a clear answer." The Olympics were postponed last month with a new opening set for July 23, 2021, followed by the Paralympics on Aug. 24.
Abe has been criticized for being slow to act against the coronavirus. Opposition political leaders have suggested he downplayed the severity of the virus and have said it may have been tied to wanting to hold the Olympics this year.
We have made the decision to postpone the games by one year," Muto added.
So this means that all we can do is work hard to prepare for the games. We sincerely hope that come next year mankind will manage to overcome the coronavirus crisis. Muto was asked if there are alternative plans to 2021.
Rather than think about alternatives plans, we should put in all of our effort, he said.
Mankind should bring together all of its technology and wisdom to work hard so they can development treatments, medicines and vaccines. Japan has reported about 5,000 cases and 100 deaths. The country has the world's oldest population, and COVID-19 can be especially serious for the elderly.