New Delhi: The Sports Authority of India (SAI) on Friday announced a three-week "summer vacation" at its National Centres of Excellence owing to the relentless spike in COVID-19 cases but said that the Olympic-bound will continue to train at their ongoing camps.
India has been reporting over 1 lakh cases for the past few days with the numbers crossing more than 1.32 lakh in the last 24 hours.
"In view of the rising cases of COVID-19 across India and keeping the health and safety of athletes in mind, the Sports Authority of India has taken the decision to allow summer vacations across all National Centres of Excellence (NCOEs) for a period of three weeks," SAI said in a statement.
The move, however, will not impact the Olympic-bound athletes.
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"...elite athletes who are part of the National Camps and are training for Olympics and other international competitions at the NCOEs will continue to stay and train in their respective campuses.
"Their sparring partners will also be allowed to train with them. Athletes who have to attend classes or have to appear in examinations will be allowed to stay in the campus and will be provided all facilities.