Hyderabad: Star Indian wrestler Sushil Kumar lauded the action taken by Hyderabad Police who shot four accused in the gang-rape and murder of a young veterinarian to death in an encounter by saying that the police have set the right benchmark.
"I would like to congratulate the police for taking immediate action. The whole country was feeling outraged with what happened with that girl. People wanted justice, and today the police have done a commendable job. The police have set the right benchmark, now people would think before committing such crimes," Kumar told media.
"For such big crimes, an immediate verdict should be given, everyone will be happy with what happened today. It was such a heinous crime, today everyone will say that what happened was right," he added.
Ten days ago, the victim left home on her two-wheeler in the evening to go to a doctor's appointment.
Later she called up her to say she had a flat tyre, and a lorry driver had offered to help.