New Delhi: The Sports Authority of India on Saturday said it has instituted an inquiry to investigate "the circumstances leading to the alleged incident of athletes flouting the quarantine rule" at the National Institute of Sport (NIS) in Patiala. Furthermore, it said that the individuals who have violated the rules left the NIS campus on Saturday morning.
Boxers Vikas Krishan and Satish Kumar, who have qualified for the Tokyo Olympics, and pro boxer Neeraj Goyat were found mingling with other campers after they tested negative for COVID-19 following their arrival at the campus. This was a violation of the quarantine rule for the facility.
"A committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Secretary, SAI, will probe the matter and suitable action will be taken if any personnel(s)/athlete(s) are found culpable of any wrongdoing," said SAI in its statement.