Hangzhou: In the ongoing dream run for the Indian contingent in the Asian Para Games, Sunder Singh Gurjar bagged gold in Men’s F46 Javelin on Wednesday. The athelete from Rajasthan also broke the world record after throwing the javelin 68.60 meters.
Earlier on the same day, Sumit Antil set a new World record in Men’s Javelin throw. Following Antil, the 27-year-old, Sundar Singh Gurjar also scripted a new world record.
The Tokyo Paralympic bronze medallist got his names into the history books with a 68.60m throw in the final. The athelete from Rajasthan broke the earlier World record of 67.79m belonging to Sri Lanka’s Dinesh Priyantha.
Sundar started off with a 63.05m throw in his first attempt, followed by a foul in his second attempt. Despite of the foul, the athelete continued to maintain his lead at the top. In his third throw he registered a powerful throw measuring 66.21m.