New Delhi: Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju on Wednesday requested the global anti-doping agency to lift its suspension on NDTL, which was punished for non-conformity with international standards, saying that the National Dope Testing Laboratory is now "fully WADA-compliant".
In a massive jolt to India's Olympic preparations, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) had, in July, extended its suspension on NDTL by six months, after first banning the body in August last year.
Rijiju had a virtual meeting with WADA president Witold Banka on Tuesday.
"I have been informed that NDTL has submitted all the 47 corrective action reports to WADA as per time-lines defined by WADA and also sent a compliance report on the 13 decision points conveyed by the Chair of the WADA Executive Committee," Rijiju said in a statement without elaborating on the specifics of the report.
"With this, NDTL now stands fully compliant with all requirements of WADA and the International Standard of Laboratories. I would request you to expedite the process and organise to lift the suspension of NDTL's WADA Accreditation," the minister added.
The WADA accreditation of NDTL has been under suspension since August 20, 2019.
Rijiju also invited the WADA team for an on-site visit of NDTL.
"Once international travel is allowed, I would request a WADA team to visit NDTL and check if all upgradations are as per the satisfaction of WADA. If anything else needs amendments, we will do so," he said.