Hyderabad: After making headlines with his 100m timings, Rameshwar Gurjar, also dubbed as the Usain Bolt of Madhya Pradesh, has come a cropper in the trials conducted by the Sports Authority of India (SAI).
In the last few days, a video of Rameshwar had gone viral on social media where he is seen completing a 100m race bare feet in just 11 seconds. Even Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju had assured to get him inducted at the SAI centre in Bhopal.
Rameshwar, however, came last when he appeared for the trials at the Bhopal SAI centre. Competing with six other sprinters, Rameshwar finished sixth. He took 12.90 seconds to complete the race, which is far from the international standard. The trial race was won by Aayush Tiwary.