New Delhi:Senior vice-president Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo on Thursday took charge as National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) president after 'incumbent' Raninder Singh went on a "prolonged leave". The Sports Ministry had issued a directive that heads of national sports federations (NSFs) cannot hold office for more than 12 years as per the National Sports Code, following which Raninder, who was re-elected NRAI president in September 2021, went on leave.
The ministry had pointed out last month that Raninder had completed 12 years as president -- from December 29, 2010 to Dec 29, 2022 -- and as per the code, he cannot continue as NRAI chief any further. The NRAI said in a release that its Governing Body in an emergent virtual meeting on Thursday "unanimously" approved Singh Deo as its president.
"I humbly accept the responsibility bestowed upon me by the Governing Body and the trust shown upon me by the President. Our immediate priorities lie in putting our best foot forward for important upcoming events like the Asian Games and the World Championships," Singh Deo said in a release.