New Delhi: Parth Jindal, director of JSW Sports, on Wednesday said that he has offered to support ace sprinter Dutee Chand many-a-times in the past and the offer is still open if she is in need of financial help. Dutee had recently put up a post on her Facebook account saying she was putting her car on sell as she needs funds to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics next year.
She later deleted her post but not before it made headlines across the country. Former tennis player Somdev Devvarman shared the story on his Twitter handle and his post read: "When our athletes win, it's almost always despite the system, not because of it."
Jindal, whose Indian Institute of Sports sponsors many Indian athletes, took note of this post from Devvarman and wrote: "Complete nonsense -- we have offered to support her so many times at IIS. The offer is still wide open."