Hyderabad: COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the world and brought public life to a standstill. Many players also got infected. But professional wrestler Sangram Singh believes India's Olympic bound wrestlers could resume training from September.
In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, Sangram Singh said, "I think the Indian wrestlers are very strong and the effect of coronavirus will come down after the rainy season. So, in September they can start training."
However, he said that everything should be conducted with caution. "Check health of every player before the tournament. After checking the players, give them entry. Players who are not feeling well must not be allowed to take part. Make teams Who will keep a watch on the health of the players. See, if coronavirus continues like this for 4 years, then we can't stop the game. At the same time, no Indian player is corona positive, so holding matches can be considered," said Sangram Singh.