New Delhi: The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) on Thursday asked their High-Performance Directors and coaches to up the vigil so that dope cheats are taken out from national camps.
The national federation also called for quarterly awareness sessions on the anti-doping code.
"It's very shocking and equally unacceptable to hear that 2 boxers have tested positive in doping recently. If it is an informed decision by a boxer, then it is a clear case of cheating and we should not entertain, help and assist such boxers anywhere. Victory by any means of cheating should not be acceptable to us," BFI said in a letter signed by secretary general Jay Kowli.
"However, if the boxer is innocent and it is an unfortunate development due to a genuine mistake, then we must stand by to assist him or her on all fronts. Nevertheless, to avoid such re-occurrences anytime in future - apart from observing strict vigilance/monitoring - we need to educate all our boxers, coaches, support staff on all aspects . . . not only once in a year, but ongoingly repeatedly, preferably every quarterly," it added.