Puducherry: Hockey players in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have resumed limited sports activities in accordance with the Ministry of Home Affairs' (MHA) guidelines amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
In Tamil Nadu, while there are several restrictions due to the ongoing battle with the pandemic, about 65 players have returned to the field. These players are above the age group of 18 years and are training towards the state championships which will be a trial for the Hockey India National Championships.
"We have been cautious in our approach to begin activities in Tamil Nadu and have resumed only limited training for a small group of players across different centres. Since all schools and colleges are closed only SDAT headquarters play fields in the districts are open," said Sekar J Manoharan, President of Hockey Unit of Tamil Nadu.
"Due to unavailability of transportation, not all players are able to start activities to prepare themselves for domestic events. However, just 65 players resuming is still a good start and we will encourage players to get out and play and express to them the importance of following all protocols," he added.