New Delhi: Hockey India on Wednesday ruled out shifting the Olympic-bound men's and women's hockey teams from the Sports Authority of India's Bengaluru centre despite the death of a coronavirus-positive cook employed there as he had no access to the players.
The cook died of a cardiac arrest and later tested positive for COVID-19, according to a top official, who said there was no reason to panic as the deceased had no access to the players' accommodation zone.
"The question of moving out the teams from Bengaluru doesn't arise because it's the best facility in the country," HI CEO Elena Norman told media.
"Even if we think of such a move, it is practically impossible because of the nationwide lockdown."
A top SAI official said that the cook had not gone beyond the gate area since March 10.
"A cook, part of around 60 employees, who were asked to stay at home since March 10 because of their old age, died of cardiac arrest at a hospital," the official told media.