New Delhi: The All India Football Federation's (AIFF) decision to increase the penalty on I-League clubs for their non-participation in the Super Cup from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 27.5 lakh as come as a shocker for the clubs. Having already made their haplessness known at the earlier fine imposed, the clubs have made it clear that they are in no position to pay the increased sum.
Speaking to media, Gokulam FC president V.C. Praveen expressed his disappointment saying that clubs are already losing money in Indian football and to now ask the clubs to pay this huge penalty is nothing short of unfair.
"We are already losing money in football and then this huge penalty for no fault of us. In fact, this is the only tournament in India that has no participation fee. The club itself has to bear the cost of travel, boarding and other expenses. We will appeal and take legal steps also.
"For participation, they did not pay us anything. We bore all logistical expenses. How will it be possible for us to pay? Even then they are imposing such a huge penalty," he rued.
While there are also doubts on the future of the I-League, Praveen is optimistic that the tournament will take place this season and the team is going ahead with recruitment.