New Delhi:India's star batter Virat Kohli shared a heartfelt message after the team's exit from the T20 World Cup on Friday and thanked the fans who supported the team in the mega event. The former Indian captain expressed his disappointment after failing to reach the final of the T20 World Cup but also said that the tournament gave the team some memorable moments and that the team will look to improve.
Sharing the message on Twitter, he wrote, "We leave Australian shores short of achieving our dream and with disappointment in our hearts but we can take back a lot of memorable moments as a group and aim to get better from here on."
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He thanked the fans who flocked to the stadiums to support the team and said that it's always an honour to wear the Indian jersey and represent the country. "Thank you to all our fans who turned up in huge numbers throughout to support us in the stadiums. Always feel proud to wear this jersey and represent our country," said Virat.