Abu Dhabi: One of Indian cricket's most decorated players, Suresh Raina has joined the T10 bandwagon and will represent the Deccan Gladiators in Season 6 of the Abu Dhabi T10, the organiser of the league said in a statement on Tuesday. Raina, who announced retirement from the Indian Premier League (IPL) and domestic cricket on September 6, will be playing his first-ever season in ADT10. Raina will join the Deccan Gladiators squad and play alongside Andre Russell, Taskin Ahmed, Josh Little and David Wiese.
The four-time winner of the coveted IPL trophy, Raina has scored 5,528 runs in the league and played for the Chennai Super Kings, has also captained the Gujarat Lions in 2016-2017, scoring plenty of runs for them too. Raina, who is known as Mr IPL, has scored the most runs as a batter for the CSK franchise in the history of the tournament. The former India cricketer was also a crucial part of the team that won the 2011 ODI World Cup in India, and has scored 5,615 runs from 226 games in the 50-over format and 1,605 runs in the T20I format while donning the national colours.
One of the cornerstones of many a success story for India, Raina said, "I am thrilled to be joining the Deccan Gladiators and hopefully together we will be able to retain the title this year. I have been looking forward to this new challenge in the Abu Dhabi T10 and hope to put on a show for the fans and my team. This promises to be an exciting tournament and I am very excited to be a part of it."