New Delhi: Former players Virender Sehwag and Venkatesh Prasad has slammed India's "outdated" approach following their ODI series loss in Bangladesh. Expressing anguish over India's miserable run in white ball cricket, former seamer Prasad urged the think tank to make "tough calls", while Virender Sehwag urged Rohit Sharma and Co to "wake up".
In his usual quirky style, Sehwag took to Twitter to describe his anguish: "Cryptos se bhi tez gir rahi hai apni performance yaar. (Our performance is falling faster than cryptos). Need to shake up - wake up." India earlier lost 0-1 to New Zealand in a rain-curtailed ODI series. Playing non-stop cricket, the star-studded Indian batters looked out of place while bowling has been below par. That India have not won a major ICC title since their Champions Trophy triumph in 2013 was once again highlighted by Prasad.