Bengaluru: Indian batter Robin Uthappa announced his retirement from all forms of Indian cricket on Wednesday. The batter, who last represented Team India in 2015, took to social media to make the announcement through a letter. Uthappa shared a heartfelt post announcing his retirement from all forms of cricket. The right-handed batter said it has been the "greatest honour" to represent India and Karnataka during this illustrious career.
"It has been my greatest honour to represent my country and my state, Karnataka. However, all good things must come to an end, and with a grateful heart, I have decided to retire from all forms of Indian cricket. Thank you all," Uthappa said. "It has been 20 years since I started playing professional cricket, and it has been the greatest honour to represent my country and state, Karnataka- wonderful journey of ups and downs; one that has been fulfilling, rewarding, enjoyable and has allowed me to grow as a human being," Uthappa added.