Bengaluru: India women's cricketer Veda Krishnamurthy on Monday said that her family did everything right, but still Covid-19 found its way. Last week, Veda lost her sister Vatsala to Covid-19. Last month, the cricketer's mother had also passed away and the past few weeks have been hard for the cricketer.
"The last few days have been very heart breaking to all of us at home. You both were the foundation of our house, never imagined I would be seeing this day knowing that you both are not with me, it breaks my heart. Amma, you have made a brave child, taught me to be as practical as I can in every situation. The trait is obviously passed on by you. You were the most beautiful, happy, selfless person I ever knew. Akka, I know I was your most favourite person. You are a fighter, have inspired me to never let go till the last minute," wrote Veda in a Twitter post.
"You were those two people who found joy in everything I did, everything I said. I always had a very big ego that I have two mothers but guess ego is never too good for anyone. The last few days I spent with you both was so relaxing and we were all so happy, never imagined that would be our last. My world has just gone upside down after you both left me. Not sure how we as family are going to regroup. All I can say is that I love you both very much and will miss you both. Thanks to all the love I received," she added.
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