Ahmedabad:Soon after lifting the IPL 2022 trophy in their maiden season, Gujarat Titans skipper Hardik Pandya said he wants to win the ICC Men's T20 World Cup for India, after the team's dismal show in the UAE last year. While Pandya was a member of the squad during the T20 World Cup in the UAE, he remained mostly on the bench as he was reportedly gaining full fitness following a back surgery.
"Absolutely, to win the World Cup for India no matter what happens," said Pandya after the Titans defeated Rajasthan Royals by seven wickets at the Narendra Modi Stadium . "I am going to give it everything I have. (I'm) Always been the kind of guy to put the team first. For me the goal will be simple: to make sure my team gets it the most."
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"Playing for India has always been a kind of dream come true, no matter how many games I have played. It has always been a pleasure for me to represent the country. The kind of love and support I have got it is only from the Indian team's point of view. "Long term, short term, I want to win the World Cup no matter what happens," he stressed.