New Delhi: The Supreme Court of India on Friday allowed the Tamil Nadu Cricket Associaton (TNCA) to hold elections to elect office-bearers but said the results will be subjected to its decision.
A bench comprising justices S. A. Bode and L. Nageswara Rao said the state cricket association can go ahead with the elections but will not declare the results. It will be subject to the order of this court and legal remedies will be available to parties.
The direction came when senior advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for the state cricket body, said the association be at least allowed to hold elections. The counsel for Committee of Administrators of BCCI, however, alleged that the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA), was amongst few other associations which have not complied with the BCCI's constitution.
The bench, in its interim order, further directed that disqualification norms “shall remain confined to office-bearers only“.
It has been alleged that the Tamil Nadu State Cricket Association (TNCA) and four other state cricket bodies have so far not adopted the BCCI constitution in its entirety.