New Delhi: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Friday announced the appointment of its Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC). The three-member committee comprises Madan Lal, Rudra Pratap Singh and Sulakshana Naik.
"I am happy and honoured that the BCCI has given me the job and I intend to do it with all honesty," Lal told media. "I can't say anything more because I am yet to receive any guidelines. I know what my job is but can speak only after I get guidelines from the board."
Lal said that he has interacted with the other two members before and is looking forward to working with them. "The national selectors, the women's selectors and the junior selectors are the three postings (that the CAC needs to decide upon). I am very happy with the appointments. I have spoken with them earlier and of course, I look forward to working with them," he said.
As per a BCCI release, their term of appointment will be for one year. Their first job will be to pick the new set of selectors as M.S.K Prasad and Gagan Khoda's terms have ended while Jatin Paranjpe, Sarandeep Singh and Devang Gandhi still have one year left in their tenures.