Mumbai : Indian cricketers Mithali Raj, Jhulan Goswami and Veda Krishnamurthy attended the popular Kapil Sharma show as special guests and had a blast at the show. The cricketers shared images from their time at the set with Mithali saying, “If only all our evenings were filled with laughter.”
This is Mithali and Jhulan’s second appearance at the Kapil Sharma Show. Earlier , they featured on the show’s 2017 edition along with Harmanpreet Kaur.
Sharing images on her official Twitter handle, Mithali wrote, “If only all our evenings were filled with laughter! On the sets of the @KapilSharmaK9 show with the man himself, @JhulanG10 & @vedakmurthy08 – coming soon to brighten up your evening!”