New Delhi: The International Cricket Council (ICC) on Monday while announcing the postponement of the 2020 edition of the T20 World Cup in Australia due to the coronavirus pandemic also announced that the 2023 50-over World Cup will now be played in October-November in India. The change is to keep a decent gap between the 2022 and 2023 events just in case India host both.
Ideally, India is set to host the 2021 T20 World Cup. But with Australia not being able to hold the 2020 edition, they have requested for ICC to hand them the rights for the 2021 edition while the 2022 edition can be taken by India.
An ICC board member said that the reason why the ICC release didn't mention the venue of the 2021 and 2022 T20 World Cup is because a decision is yet to be taken on whether India hand the rights of hosting the next year's showpiece event to Australia.
"See, the whole idea is to reach a decision which is agreeable to all. The only reason why the venues haven't been given and the 50-over World Cup has been delayed by a few months is to keep enough breathing space for the broadcasters if the 2021 edition of the T20 World Cup goes to Australia and India host the two tournaments back-to-back. You cannot really have two events in India in six months," the board member explained.