Mumbai: Batting icon Sachin Tendulkar on Thursday said legendary Sunil Gavaskar and West Indies great Viv Richards were his batting heroes when he was young, while his dad Ramesh Tendulkar was his real-life hero.
"My heroes, okay, I would say that when I was playing cricket or when I was of your age (young), I wanted to become a cricketer and going ahead wanted to play for my country. I had two heroes -- one is our own Sunil Gavaskar, who played for India for several years and performed well, he was my batting hero," Tendulkar said.
"Along with him, it was Viv Richards of the West Indies. These were my batting heroes when I played cricket. But generally in life, then I would say that my hero was my father (Ramesh Tendulkar). So much time I spent with him and he was mild, calm and composed, he was a man with good nature. So, it is my dream that I become like him.
"I will say that my father was my hero in my life," added the former India cricketer.