Indore: Indian cricket team's skipper Virat Kohli on Wednesday addressed the media on the eve of the first Test against Bangladesh in Indore. The second Test of the two-match Test series will be a Day-night affair which will also see the Indian team playing with the pink ball for the first time.
Although the Indore Test against the Bangla Tigers will be a day game with the red ball, Kohli admitted being excited about the pink-ball Test.
Watch Virat Kohli address to the media ahead of Indore Test against Bangladesh. "Well, I hadn't played with the pink ball before. So I was given the experience to try it and I wanted to, that was my mindset behind playing with the pink ball. I think everyone else did it as well," Kohli during the pre-match press conference.
"You need extra concentration to pick the pink ball suddenly when you are playing with the red ball, so it was to work on the reflexes as well. When you play with the red ball at the net and then you arrive at the pink ball it is very difficult to pick it up, so to get into the zone was the reason behind it," he added.
"The pink ball I have played yesterday, I think it swings a lot more compared to the red ball because there's extra lacquer on the ball and doesn't go away too fast and the seam holds upright quite a bit," Kohli further said.
"I think it's a new way to bring excitement in test cricket. The pink ball I played with yesterday, felt like it swings a lot more compared to the red ball. You require extra concentration to pick the pink ball suddenly when you are playing with the red ball," Virat said on Wednesday.
Presently, the Indian team is leading the ICC World Test Championship standings with 240 points, having won all of their five matches so far.