Mumbai: The director of cricket operations of Royal Challengers Banglore Mike Hesson on Sunday said that is still hopeful of the 13th edition of Indian Premier League taking place despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Hesson also asserted that RCB will be ready when it happens.
The IPL, which was originally scheduled to be held from March 29 to May 24, was indefinitely postponed by the BCCI due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in India and subsequent lockdown announced by the government.
"We're still really hopeful that things will evolve and there will be an IPL this year and if it happens, then I can assure you that RCB will be ready," an optimistic Hesson was quoted as saying on a TV show.
Hesson, who has formerly coached New Zealand, said that things were rightly put on hold in view of the unprecedented health crisis.