New Delhi: After successfully organising the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 tournament, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is set to host the Vijay Hazare 50-over tournament, the senior women's one-dayers, and the Vinoo Mankad Trophy -- U19 limited-overs tournament.
BCCI Secretary Jay Shah in his letter to the state associations informed them that the decision was taken with an eye on the coronavirus pandemic and the feedback of the state bodies.
"The pandemic has tested each and every one of us and there is no life that has remained untouched by it, and while it has been difficult, your support has meant that we have been able to resume both domestic and international cricket in the men's category.
"As you are aware, we have lost a lot of time and consequently, it has been difficult to plan the cricket calendar on account of the precautions that are necessary for the safe conduct of the games.
"However, it was extremely important for us to ensure that women's cricket takes place and I am extremely happy to inform you that we are going to conduct the Senior Women's One-day tournament simultaneously with the Vijay Hazare Trophy and follow it up with Vinoo Mankad Trophy Under 19. This has been decided after having received your feedback on the domestic season 2020-21," he wrote.