New Delhi: India's top badminton player Saina Nehwal on Wednesday singled out India cricketer Washington Sundar's batting for special praise, tweeting, "People don't know this, but along with badminton, I'm a huge fan of cricket too. Especially when India is playing. I saw the brilliant performances by @sundarwashi5 in the recent series, and it was so much fun to watch him."
The Tamil Nadu player, who was initially picked as a net bowler for the 2020/21 India tour of Australia, won an unexpected Test cap at the Gabba after a spate of injuries to several players left the visitors severely depleted.
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Not only did Sundar bag the wicket of Steve Smith, he also scored 62 in his maiden Test innings to cobble up a crucial seventh-wicket stand of 123 with Shardul Thakur, which greatly helped India to win the contest and shatter the myth that Australia were invincible in Brisbane.