Mumbai: On Monday evening, the hashtag #FraudArhaanKhan started trending on Twitter following claims by netizens that actor and Bigg Boss 13 contestant Arhaan Khan has taken Rs 15 lakh from his former girlfriend Rashami Desai's account and is allegedly threatening her. Arhaan withdrew the money when Rashami was still inside the Bigg Boss house, it has been claimed.
The accusations have mostly been levelled on Twitter by netizens who claim to be Rashami's fans. They also shared screenshots of bank statements of monetary transactions from an account with the name Shivani Ajay Kumar Desai.
A user tweeted in Hindi claiming Arhaan Khan has taken Rs 15 Lakh from the actors' account in 15 days.
Another user alleged that Arhaan has even taken money for subscribing to a popular OTT platform.
A fanclub of Rashami Desai tweeted: "We need justice for @TheRashamiDesai. She has earned money with lot of her hardwork and #FraudArhaanKhan misused her money. What a shame to society."