Mumbai: Actor Vijay Varma, who became a household name after Gully Boy, returns as a dreaded narcotics dealer in the Netflix web series She, scripted by Imtiaz Ali. The actor is extremely elated to have got an opportunity to be a part of the filmmaker's creation.
"I am glad that I have got an opportunity to be a part of Imtiaz Ali's creation, which is so beautiful and so full of rich, profound stories. This is a completely different shade of Imtiaz Ali is what I felt. He has a wide range of things to say and this one is his most unique story till date," Vijay told IANS.
In the web series, a lady constable poses as a prostitute to help the police nab Sasya, the narcotics dealer.
Sharing about his character, the actor said: "I play a character called Sasya, although it's debatable what his real name is. He works in a very mysterious way, he is doing a business which is very secret. Therefore the personality is extremely secretive. The unreliability of this person is extremely attractive. He belongs to a certain region and speaks that dialect. The most charming part of this character is the surprises and shocks that he brings."
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