Mumbai:TV actor Anupam Shyam, known for his role in the show Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya, has been hospitalized. The actor reportedly collapsed during dialysis and was immediately admitted to the ICU. The 62-year-old actor is currently unstable and his brother Anurag is seeking financial help from the Indian Film industry for his treatment.
The veteran actor was diagnosed with a kidney infection and was initially admitted to a hospital in Mumbai's Malad area. However, when he collapsed, he was rushed to another hospital's ICU centre.
Talking about Anupam's health condition to a leading portal, brother Anurag said, "He has been keeping unwell for the last six months now. He has an infection in his kidney due to which we had admitted him to Hinduja Hospital back then and got him treated for almost one and half month. That time his health got fine but he was suggested dialysis, from time to time. But he decided to go for ayurvedic treatment as dialysis costs a lot. That didn’t help. He got breathless recently because of not doing dialysis. His chest was filled with water, so we again started his dialysis and he started getting relief."