Mumbai: Mukesh Khanna has pitched in the list of celebrities asking to ban TikTok. The veteran actor shared a video in which he said that the app is for useless people and it is making them more useless.
He stated, "Friend, there are many other things to do than just making TikTok videos. In these difficult times, we are getting good news. One more Chinese virus called TikTok is going away from our lives. The rating has come down from 4.5 to 1.3. I am happy that you are driving TikTok away from your lives. I want to say that you keep TikTok on the top of the Chinese product list that needs to be banned. Save the youth from getting destroyed and join this campaign."
In another post, Mukesh wrote, "Tiktok is for useless people and the app is making them more useless. It must get banned. I am with you in the campaign."