An upcoming thriller series, 'The Great Indian Murder', stars Richa Chadha, Pratik Gandhi, Ashutosh Rana, Shashank Arora, Raghubir Yadav, Paoli Dam, Jatin Goswami, Sharib Hashmi and Amey Wagh. The show, co-written for the screen by Tigmanshu Dhulia, Vijay Maurya and Puneet Sharma, presents a gripping narrative which tracks the murder of a spoilt brat Vicky Rai, who is the son of the Home Minister of Chhattisgarh, Jagannath Rai, and the investigation that follows.
Six suspects, the book on which this series is based, surrounding Vicky's murder come under the radar of the case's investigating officers DCP Sudha Bhardwaj played by Richa Chadha and Suraj Yadav essayed by Pratik Gandhi of Central Bureau of Investigation. Using the Rashomon effect with aplomb, 'The Great Indian Murder' explores several versions of a single murder, a story that Sudha and Suraj weave through their investigations. Talking about the series, director Tigmanshu Dhulia says, "While working on 'The Great Indian Murder', I was taken back to my love for thrillers and murder mysteries. Vikas Swarup's 'Six Suspects' has been on my list of top thrillers, so envisioning it for the screen was doubly exciting for me. The story does an excellent job of blending mystery, murder and fate with a unique storyline."
Highlighting the importance of each character in the story, he adds, "Every character in the series holds the fort with their characteristic individuality that adds to the raw eclectic feel of the series. It is unlike anything I have worked on before. It has been a great journey, and I hope the audience shows 'The Great Indian Murder' much love and appreciation. Disney+ Hotstar has been creating some path-breaking content over the years so we couldn't have better partners than them to showcase the show."
Talking about her affinity for thrillers, Richa Chadha says, "Thrillers have always been an exciting genre for me - it challenges you greatly and stretches your capabilities as an actor. When I read the script for 'The Great Indian Murder', I knew instantly that it was a project I wanted to be a part of. There's an intriguing story to tell here, and Tigmanshu is a brilliant director who was there for me and for the rest of the cast to guide and direct." She concurs with her director, "Each character in this series has an intense motive and justification for their actions - it is somewhat relatable, yet nerve-wracking. It is an exemplary example of thriller series writing which only Tigmanshu Dhulia could have pulled off. Can't wait to see the audience's reaction to it."
Pratik Gandhi reveals, "I wanted to be very thoughtful about my next digital outing and 'The Great Indian Murder' and Disney+ Hostar seemed like the perfect choice. My character Suraj Yadav was a whole new challenge for me. He is someone who represents the law but never shies away from breaking it or mending it to ease his way." He adds, "This grey layer and his easy transition between the dark and light sides make him special and very human. I am extremely grateful to Tigmanshu Dhulia and Richa Chadha for constantly being by my side and helping me to interpret the character. Hope Suraj Yadav receives a lot of love and appreciation."