New Delhi: Amazon Prime Video unveiled a hilarious new promo of the much-awaited show, 'The Family Man 2'. In the video, Manoj Bajpayee who plays 'Srikant Tiwari' is seen as a 'Minimum guy' on a desk job, different from his look in the first season.
The buzz around Amazon Prime Video's 'The Family Man 2' is fast attaining astonishing proportions. The sequel to the 2019 smash hit, 'The Family Man', is the most awaited for viewers for close to two years now - ever since the show debuted on Amazon Prime.
Since the announcement of the sequel, the audiences have been weaving their own stories on what will happen, post the events shown in the first season. And now, with the release of 'The Family Man 2' trailer, the hype has reached fever pitch.
'The Family Man' is an edgy, action-drama series, which tells the story of a middle-class man, Srikant Tiwari, portrayed by Bajpayee who works for a special cell of the National Investigation Agency.
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